
Monday, January 3, 2011

Making the best of it

We got a much needed break from frigid temps last Friday, with highs approaching 60! I would have been a fool NOT to ride. Lar hadn't been ridden since I don't know when. He was pretty good under the circumstances, but was having one of his ADD days. I've concluded that he's not a fearful or spooky horse, but he does sometimes have a hard time maintaining his concentration. He didn't misbehave, persay, but he kept getting distracted and wouldn't keep a steady pace. But hey, for a horse who hadn't been ridden in weeks, there was no bucking, bolting, or shying.

Saturday was rainy with dropping temps, and Sunday was cool but clear so I eeked in another ride. He was a different horse. Much more focused and lighter on the bit. We worked on some transitions, a little on bending ( I unfortunately can't do much in winter since I'll tear up the middle of the yard that doesn't have added sand, so I'm mostly restricted to riding around the perimeter). We can't work much on bending or canter prep, but we made the best of it with transitions, pace consistency, and going in a steadier frame. He's definitely progressed from where we started; the key will be getting the consistency. Walk to halt was getting better; he was starting to get his hind end under him and isn't bracing his neck like he used to, though though he still noses out on the downwards. I know he's a smart horse and I just need to figure out how to keep his attention and achieve consistency.

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